Dental Implants

Dental Implant Dentist in Bergen County, Essex County, Morris County, and Middlesex County

Dental implants are the most technologically advanced solution for tooth loss, restoring your smile with teeth that feel strong, secure, and natural. Our dental implant procedures at Riverside Oral Surgery are professionally planned and performed, providing a long-term tooth replacement solution with a high success rate. Instead of searching “dental implants near me,” visit our experienced team in Bergen County, Essex County, Morris County, and Middlesex County to learn more about our dental implants and how they can help you improve your oral health.

All Your Questions Answered: Dental Implants Explained by Riverside Oral Surgery

    What are Dental Implants?

    dental implant structureNatural teeth have long roots that anchor them firmly in the jawbone. When you lose a tooth, your dentist must remove it, including the root.

    A dental implant is a screw or post made from medical-grade zirconia or titanium alloy surgically implanted into the jawbone to replace a complete tooth, including the root. The procedure is quick, minimally invasive, and well-tolerated. For example, a single dental implant can be inserted in 30-60 minutes.

    Components of a Dental Implant

    • Implant post: This is the screw or post that is implanted into the jawbone.
    • Abutment: This is the second component of the dental implant and is attached to the implant post once it has fused with the jawbone. The abutment protrudes above the gumline and supports the implant restoration.
    • Implant restoration: This is the third and final component of the dental implant and is the visible part of the implant that replaces the missing tooth. Implant restorations can be crowns, bridges, or dentures.

    Dental implants can support implant crowns and bridges or hold dentures securely in the mouth. We can restore single, multiple, or complete arches of teeth with dental implants, implant-supported dentures. Implant crowns and bridges are non-removable and are screwed or cemented onto the abutments. Implant dentures are removable and clip onto special attachments on the implants.

    Types of Dental Implants

    • Conventional-sized implants: These are the most common type of dental implant and are used for most treatments.
    • Mini dental implants: These are narrower in diameter than conventional-sized implants and are used in specific circumstances when there is limited space in the jawbone—for example, front tooth implant.

    Advantages of Dental Implants

    Dental implants offer several advantages over other tooth replacement options, such as bridges and dentures. They are:

    • More stable
    • More functional
    • More aesthetically pleasing
    • More durable
    • Can last a lifetime with proper care

    If you are considering dental implants, schedule a consultation with our implant dentist to learn more.

    Why Choose Dental Implants?

    Why Choose Dental Implants?

    There are multiple reasons for choosing dental implants, including the following:

    • Appearance. Dental implant teeth can improve appearance and look as good or even better than natural teeth. When multiple teeth are replaced, appearance can be rejuvenated as support for the cheeks and lips, and facial dimensions are restored.
    • Better Biting Strength. Biting and chewing strength is greater, as dental crowns and bridges provide a biting strength close to natural teeth. Implant dentures provide better biting and chewing strength than ordinary dentures, relying on the gums for support.
    • Improved Self-Confidence. When appearance is restored, self-confidence can improve, especially when securing or replacing loose dentures. With implants, worries that teeth will move around during social occasions are eliminated.
    • Improved Comfort. Implant teeth should feel close to natural teeth, improving overall comfort levels, and because they cannot move, they will not rub painfully on the gums.

    Crucially, dental implants help protect against jawbone loss by stimulating the bone around them. The stimulation ensures old bone cells are renewed as they die, preventing resorption that occurs naturally after tooth loss. Dental implants are the only tooth loss solution providing this important oral health benefit.

    It is important to restore missing teeth, preferably as soon as possible. Even losing a single tooth can adversely affect your oral health, creating problems with biting and chewing, jawbone loss, and destabilizing adjacent teeth, changing your bite.

    Dental Implants Near Me: Find Your Path to a Complete Smile with Riverside Oral Surgery

    Are you looking for effective ways to restore single or multiple missing teeth? Сhoose a team of board-certified oral and maxillofacial surgeons experienced in implant dentistry, treating complete and partial edentulism with fixed and removable prostheses.

    How To Find an Oral Surgeon Offering Dental Implants Near You

    Consider using the following guidelines for finding a dental implant specialist in your area:

    • Ask your friends or relatives for recommendations.
    • Search online using phrases like “dental implant specialist near me,” “dentist for implants near me,” “tooth implant near me,” or “best dental implant dentist near me.”
    • Check online reviews of nearby dentists.
    • Discuss your treatment options with a couple of dental practitioners by scheduling an appointment.

    The team at Riverside Oral Surgery is trained and prepared to manage a wide variety of problems relating to the mouth, teeth, and facial regions, including tooth loss. Our approach prioritizes effective communication and cooperation among our dentists, ensuring the efficient completion of implant-retained restorations.

    Ever wonder why “dentist for implants near me” is searched thousands of times? It’s more than convenience—it’s a quest for trust and precision. People can find nearby dental experts to fix their problems quickly and efficiently.

    Who Can Have Dental Implants?

    How Do I Know If I’m a Candidate For Dental Implants? With Dr. Brown

    Most people are suitable for implant treatment, including those with teeth that are congenitally missing or who have lost teeth due to trauma or disease. Some general criteria must be met for successful implant treatment. Five important points are outlined below.

    1. Be over the age of 18

    You must be over age eighteen, as your teeth and jaws must have finished growing and developing, so children with congenitally missing teeth will need to wait until about this age before they can have treatment.

    1. Have good overall health

    Your overall health must be reasonable, and you should not have any major medical problems that could impact healing after implant surgery. For example, if you have diabetes and struggle to maintain glucose levels, these must be controlled before implant surgery. Certain health conditions can impact the immune system, affecting healing and could affect implant success and increase the risk of complications.

    1. No signs of active gum disease

    Gum disease (periodontal disease) is a common cause of tooth loss, so if you have this condition, it must be successfully controlled or eradicated before implant treatment. Periodontal disease is caused by a bacterial infection, which, if still present, could lead to the gum around the implants becoming infected. An infected dental implant is more likely to fail to fuse in the jawbone and could fail.

    1. Have a healthy, strong jawbone

    When implants are inserted into the jawbone, they need a specific amount of strong, healthy bone for successful osseointegration. Without adequate bone with which to fuse, the chance of implant failure increases. Your jawbone health is carefully evaluated during your consultation. We quantify the amount and density of bone available for implant placement. If there is inadequate bone, we recommend a bone graft, a surgical procedure to build up the bone before implant placement.

    1. Quit smoking or using tobacco products

    If you smoke, you will be strongly urged to quit before treatment and at least for the duration of healing after surgery. We would prefer if you could quit for good. Smoking interferes with healing after dental implant surgery, so the risk of implant failure significantly increases. Nicotine constricts the blood vessels in the gums, so it is harder for your body to send vital nutrients to the gum tissues and transport toxins away from the gums. Even after the implants have healed, smoking can increase the risk of implant failure later due to gum infection and inflammation.

    Who Can Have Dental Implants?

    Am I Too Old for Dental Implants?

    Dentists frequently hear this question, and the answer is definitely not. Many older people, over the age of 80 or even 90, have successfully received dental implants. Dental implants can improve your quality of life significantly, even when you are older. Eating well can improve your overall nutrition, which can help you fight infection and disease.

    We carefully assess each person’s suitability for dental implant treatment. Your general and dental health are far more important than your age.

    Are Dental Implants Safe?

    Yes, dental implant treatment is extremely safe when properly planned and placed. Implant treatment has been widely used worldwide for several decades, and its longevity and success have been extensively studied.

    At Riverside Oral Surgery, we take every precaution to ensure the safety of your dental implant treatment. We use computer-guided surgery to insert dental implants optimally, avoiding important structures like nerves and blood vessels. Computer-guided surgery also makes treatment quicker and smoother, which can lead to a faster recovery.

    If you have any questions or concerns about the safety of dental implant treatment, please do not hesitate to ask us. We are here to help you make the best decision for your oral health and well-being.

    What if I Have Dental Fears or Phobias? Can I Still Receive Treatment?

    Yes, you can still receive dental treatment, even if you have dental fears or phobias. Our dental team is experienced in helping people conquer these feelings. We can provide additional sedation to help you relax and feel comfortable during your procedure.

    Types of sedation dentistry:

    • Oral sedation: This type of sedation is administered in pill or liquid form. You will be awake and alert during your procedure, but you will feel relaxed and drowsy.
    • Intravenous (IV) sedation: This type of sedation is administered through an IV line. You may fall asleep during your procedure, but you will be able to wake up easily when it is over.

    Which type of sedation is right for me?

    The type of sedation that is best for you will depend on the severity of your dental anxiety and the type of dental work that needs to be done. If you have mild to moderate anxiety, oral sedation may be sufficient. If you have severe anxiety or need to have extensive dental work done, IV sedation may be a better option.

    If you have dental fears or phobias, please don’t let them prevent you from getting the dental care you need. Sedation dentistry can help you relax and feel comfortable during your procedure. Talk to your dentist at Riverside Oral Surgery about your options today.

    What to Expect During Dental Implant Treatment?

    You must visit our dental office several times to complete your tooth implant.

    Dental Implant Treatment in 4 Steps

    Initial Consultation and Diagnostic Tests

    An initial consultation with our experienced implant dentists allows us to assess your current dental health, review your medical history, and discuss your aims and desires for treatment. This visit allows us to assess if you are a good candidate, explain what’s required, and provide a rough outline of the predicted costs and time needed. At this stage, we can discuss if you would prefer sedation dentistry. While not everyone will want or need sedation, the option can be nice for anyone who feels anxious or nervous or requires lengthier and more complex implant treatment.

    Diagnostic tests are essential when planning implant surgery. These include photographs and dental impressions of your mouth, digital dental x-rays, and a cone beam CT scan that provides detailed 3-D images of your jaws and existing teeth. Your CT scan allows us to identify important structures that must be avoided during implant placement and to assess the quality and quantity of bone available for implants.

    At this stage, we can provide a more accurate idea of dental implant costs and discuss if other treatments are needed, like removing failing teeth or bone grafting. We can also discuss if you are suitable for immediate implant placement and if temporary teeth are required.

    Planning Your Surgery

    Your implant surgery is carefully planned behind the scenes using all the diagnostic information. We identify the best location for each implant, the exact depth, and angulation, select the best implant system for your needs, and create a computerized treatment plan. When the plan is complete, a computer-generated surgical stent will guide our oral surgeon during implant placement.

    Implant Surgery

    You may be given antibiotics to take before surgery. Before treatment begins, we ensure you feel relaxed and comfortable in the dental chair, providing anesthetic to numb the area treated and dental sedation if requested.

    Once you are ready, a small incision is made into the gum, exposing the bone underneath. The surgical stent guides the oral surgeon, so your computerized treatment plan is replicated exactly, and the treatment is relatively quick. A tiny hole is created in the exposed bone so the implant can be inserted and tightened in place. After initial healing, a healing cap can be placed on top of the implant, which helps shape the gum in preparation for the final restoration. If you require a single dental implant, it can take under an hour to insert, while multiple implants will take a little longer.

    After implant surgery is complete, it may be possible to provide a temporary implant crown, which is mainly for cosmetic purposes. Otherwise, we can provide another temporary restoration for use during healing.

    Making and Fitting Your Implant Restoration

    Once your implants have fully healed and fused with your jawbone (osseointegration), you can return to our dental office so we can take a detailed impression of your implants. The impression is used to create your final restoration, whether an implant crown, bridge, or denture. Crowns and bridges are screwed or cemented onto the implant abutment. They will likely be screwed in place using a hole that goes straight through the implant crown. Once in place, the hole is covered with tooth-colored composite resin so it is invisible. This solution allows an implant dentist to retrieve the restoration more easily if maintenance is required.

    The final restoration will look natural, is designed to be fully functional, and will feel comfortable once fitted.

    How Long Will It Take to Recover After Dental Implant Surgery?

    As the anesthetic wears off, you might experience minor discomfort or facial swelling that should be easily controllable with over-the-counter pain relief. Alternatively, we can prescribe something stronger if required or when more complex oral surgery is needed. It is not unusual to experience zero pain and discomfort after receiving a single dental implant. Many people will feel well enough to return to work or everyday activities the next day, but if you have multiple dental implants or need a more complicated procedure, it is best to give yourself a little longer to recover. We can advise you how long you may need during your initial consultation.

    It shouldn’t take too long to heal after implant surgery, and we will give you precise instructions on how to care for the surgery site and how to keep your mouth clean and hygienic while healing. We may suggest using an antimicrobial mouthwash or prescribe antibiotics. If you smoke, it’s extremely important to avoid smoking during healing.

    You should ensure you eat a nutritious diet, but initially, it can be better to follow a soft diet, avoiding hard, sticky, or crunchy foods and nuts and seeds that could become trapped around the surgery site. Examples of foods to choose from include:

    • Scrambled eggs or omelets
    • Soup
    • Yogurt
    • Mashed potatoes
    • Ice cream
    • Applesauce
    • Mac and Cheese

    If you have a temporary implant restoration, avoid chewing on the implant, as it should not come under pressure that could impact healing. Implants mustn’t be disturbed during healing.

    ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Patients Just Like you

    Highly recommend Dr Richer and the team at River Edge.. not only did they accept me as a “last minute patient” due to the pain my dentist explained to them, but Dr Richer took care of my issue on the spot after a thorough but efficient review and diagnosis. The experience was so smooth (he even had me laughing), and recovery was just as he promised and laid out. I go back in a few weeks for a part 2 (planned) and I can honestly say I’m not even a bit nervous or hesitant. Do yourself a favor and go with Dr Richer’s expertise, his top notch super clean facility and professional, extremely friendly team!

    ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Patients Just Like you

    Stop looking further for your oral surgery needs, Dr. Auerbach is all you need to know. A few minutes into my consultation visit and I already knew I was in great hands. He was very professional, great on answering all questions I had, and gave me as much time as I needed without making me feel rushed. There's a reason the NJ Devils trust Riverside. I had all 4 wisdom teeth removed in just under an hour. Thankfully, he did a great job on that as well as preparing me for what the recovery process would entail. He personally followed up with me the next day to check in on me and see if I was having any complications....which I wasn't, cause he's just that good.

    ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Patients Just Like you

    Dr. Auerbach and the staff at Riverside Oral Surgery are extremely nice and professional. They really make you feel very comfortable and cared for. I was there recently for two extractions and bone grafts and they thoroughly explained what to expect during and after the procedures. As a mom of a special needs child, it is greatly appreciated when I can go and be relaxed while having my teeth taken care of. Bonus perk - while listening to music, with my eyes closed and the light on my face, I can almost pretend to be sitting in the sun on a beach!

    How to Look After Dental Implants?

    We will provide full instructions, practical help, and advice on caring for your dental implants. These instructions will include which tools to use and how frequently you must clean around your implants and restorations. It isn’t difficult to look after dental implants or very time-consuming, but you must follow a regular daily oral care routine.

    Regular dental checkups and hygiene appointments are also important so your implants can be assessed and cleaned professionally to ensure they remain strong and healthy. Otherwise, failing to care for implants increases the risk of the tissues surrounding them, the gums, and the jawbone becoming infected. An infection can increase the risk of implant failure.

    How Much Will a Dental Implant Cost?

    A dental implant cost can vary depending on factors including:

    • Your jawbone health, whether a tooth must be removed or additional treatments like bone grafting are needed.
    • The restoration chosen and the materials used to fabricate it, and if any temporary restoration is required during healing.
    • The actual cost of the implant system is another factor to consider.
    • Additional sedation will increase the price.

    We aim to provide patients with affordable dental implants using high-quality implant components and materials. We also use advanced technologies when planning and placing dental implants to ensure an optimal treatment outcome.

    Will Dental Insurance Cover the Cost of Dental Implants?

    A good dental insurance policy should cover at least part of the cost of implant treatment. Our dental team can work with you to help maximize your reimbursement. Riverside Oral Surgery works with multiple insurance companies and has a dedicated insurance coordinator to ensure claims are processed correctly.

    We know there are multiple ads for cheap dental implants, but low-cost dental implants can be a false economy. For example, the prices quoted might not include all the services required. The implant components may be generic and made from less reliable materials that might fail, or it will be harder to replace implant components if needed.

    Conclusion: A Worthwhile Investment in Your Dental Health

    Good dental implant treatment is an investment in your dental health. Ensuring you receive the best and most appropriate dental implant procedure and restorations for your needs helps to protect this investment. Dental implants can last for many years with the right treatment and after-care. It is not unknown for implants to last for life.

    Are you ready to book your dental implants appointment?

    Request an appointment online or call an office near you! Our friendly and caring staff can assist you with any questions.

    If you have questions about Dental Implants, to learn more, or to schedule a consultation with the implant specialist at Riverside Oral Surgery, call our center at (551) 287-2322 or visit any of our New Jersey locations.